Thrush: The Candida Microbiome
Thrush – it’s a common problem. Candida albicans exists in our systems naturally, but imbalance in the body can cause overgrowth of these little organisms and promote a whole host of issues, least of all the uncomfortable itching.
Candida is a sign that the body is out of balance, whether it be from antibiotics or a stress, trauma or injury which has disrupted the system. Candida lives off sugars, which is why if you have thrush you’ll be craving sweets and carbs, and cutting out sugar in the diet can go a long way to getting the situation under control, but won’t get to the underlying susceptibility.
Stick out your tongue. Is it covered in white? This is an indication that there is an overgrowth of Candida in your system, even if you’re not suffering from the tell-tale itch below. This organism lives throughout our digestive system and the mouth, being the top of this system, is a good indication of what is going on lower down.
Research has implicated Candida overgrowth as attributing to autoimmune disorders such as Celiacs, and even cancer. More and more is being discovered about microbiomes, the organisms that populate us and our digestive systems, and their huge role in our immunity.
Did you know that thrush can be passed to baby? Baby picks up Mum’s microbiome on the way out of the birth canal, and if Mum’s candida is out of balance then it is likely baby will too. And that could also lead to thrush on the nipples during breastfeeding.
We have some really great remedies to help support the body in balancing Candida.
Saccharum comes from sugar. There are two main types of Saccharum remedy in homeopathy - Officinalis and Album. Saccharum Officinalis is made from the Sugar Cane plant, and Saccharum Album is made from white table sugar. They are very similar and as a deeper, more constitutional remedy they have themes of self-love, self-worth and mother’s love, eating problems and grief. With thrush, this remedy is most helpful I have found where there is a craving for sweets or the person is a sweet-tooth, and this flares the thrush.
There is likely to be the coated white tongue with this remedy. The genitalia will be itchy and there may be a discharge that looks like egg-white. There could be sticking pains and the person may be anxious and easily-startled.
Candida Nosode
I have given this alongside the other remedies or on its own. It’s a great general support. You won’t find this remedy over the counter and may need to contact a homeopath to get it for you.
These remedies usually work quickly if they are the right match, but if thrush is an ongoing issue for you, then constitutional treatment with a homeopath is the next step to sort out your digestive system.