Back to School and Separation Anxiety
I remember walking into a store in the school holidays and my heart dropping into my stomach when I saw the back to school promotions.
School books, pencils, refill and book bags - it was all a reminder that my summer would soon be over and I would be back behind a desk again.
These back-to-school blues are pretty common, but there are some kids who really struggle.
Some kids struggle from the get-go. Some get used to drop off eventually, and some never do.
There are many factors which could trigger separation anxiety. There might be things such as bullying, a teacher they don’t like, or it could be that there is arguing and unhappiness at home. Others are introverts and sensitive home bodies and tend always to struggle.
I had one kid that would occasionally need support with new activities or drop off (interestingly Pulsatilla is usually the remedy he needs when he is sick), and one that I had to start giving Pulsatilla before we even left the house if we were to have a calm handover.
To smooth the pathway back to school, here are my top remedies I recommend to clients with kids who are not looking forward to starting an academic year (kids of any ages - you can give these to your teens too!):
This is the first port of call for separation anxiety. They feel unsafe and abandoned when you leave. Pulsatilla kids as a rule are cuddly and usually the kids with the big sad eyes, but not necessarily in this instance.
It helps your child feel supported, like ‘they’ve got this’.
Magnesium Carb
This remedy is also very unhappy at drop off, but there is usually a bigger issue going on at home. This is the child where there is conflict of some kind at home and they are picking up on the drama. Subconsciously, they dont want to be away because they want to protect the family. Mag carb is a beautiful remedy to help with this situation.
Our top grief remedy, it is also useful for homesickness. If your child is quite hysterical at drop off, Ignatia may be the right choice to help settle those emotions down.
Rescue Remedy or Calming Pills
These are general support remedies for calming stressed bodies and a must have in any household.
Give a dose before you leave, one in the car and one at kindy or school.