Intensity Levels and Dosage
Dosing with remedies is completely different to dosing with anything else.
Firstly, dosing works on the frequency (how often you take a dose) instead of the quantity (how much you take).
This is why you could have a whole bottle of remedy at once, and it would equal one dose. But if you had one little pillule every five minutes for 20 minutes, you would have had five doses.
Secondly, with remedies, you don’t keep taking the remedy until the bottle is finished. When the symptoms have gone away, you stop taking it and start again when the symptoms come back.
With most at-home situations, there are specific remedies that work best for that situation. This makes things nice and simple. But with more complicated situations - ie coughs, colds, viruses or when the best remedy doesn’t work - we need to match the remedy to the symptoms. This means that the remedy chosen is individualised. It’s unique to the person’s symptoms. For example, five people can have the winter flu. Three of those people may need the same remedy, but two may need completely individualised remedies going off the symptoms that they are showing. On top of that is how often each person should have the remedy. Some will need it half hourly, some only once a day. This is where people often get confused.
You can learn more about complicated situations by doing one of our courses, but in the meantime, let’s move on to how often you should take a remedy.
The Intensity Levels are my way of making dosing simpler for everyone. They are rule-of-thumb dosing examples that will make sure you don’t take too much or too little. Each situation is unique, and they may be adjusted. But this is the best place to start.
There are three Intensity Levels, and for each of those levels is a dosing rule-of-thumb you can go by.
This dosing is to support tissue and muscle healing. The doses should be given as soon as possible afterwards.
The rule-of-thumb dosing for Intensity 1 is one to three doses within a 12 hour period.
For Example:
Bumps and bruises, scrapes and cuts, head injuries
After surgery or giving birth
When going back to the gym after a break
If you're doing massive physical activity and are not really in shape to be doing it, or it's different work than you're used to.
If you've had a shock - after an accident or when you’ve hurt yourself.
If you feel like you’re coming down with something
After going to the dentist
After a medical scan
However, there are situations that may need a little more dosing than this:
Puncture wounds
The after-effects of medications post surgery
Where you've done a marathon or such a big athletic event that you may still be stiff and sore after your Intensity 1 dose
For these situations you can take a dose once a day for up to three days.
This is where you have really hurt yourself, for when you're recovering from an illness, or when you need to dose more frequently to help your body to recover.
Here's some examples of Intensity 2:
A big bump to the head! Possible concussion scenario. You could be dosing on route to the hospital to get checked.
Milder coughs
Colds and flus or at the tail-end of an illness with a fever
Ear infections, tonsilitis, colic and reflux
Rashes, coldsores, painful boils
Healing burns
Mild food poisoning
Emotional upsets up to a 5/10
Give the remedy once every 1-6 hours for up to 6 doses, or when the symptoms return. If you're not sure, start at 1 hourly and start spacing the doses out further once you're on top of the complaint. Remember, you don't have to stop after 6 doses - if the symptoms keep disappearing after the dose then returning after a period of time, you can just keep giving the remedy until they don't return at all. But if nothing has happened at the 6th dose, it’s the wrong remedy and you’ll need to review which remedy you’ve given.
This Intensity is usually much more painful or dramatic in some way, and you need to get on top of it quickly. You may be dosing on the way to the hospital in some of these cases. In others, it's the intensity of the pain and discomfort, or the rapid intensity of the situation that means you need to dose more frequently.
The dosing frequency needs to be much closer.
Examples of Intensity 3:
Blood noses
Haemorrages and bleeding
Food poisoning
Nasty burns
Asthma attacks
Tantrums, outbursts, big emotional upsets
Bee stings, insect stings, spider bites
Allergic reactions
Coughs and croup
Diarrhoea and vomitting
The dosing here is rapid - one dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses. If the remedy hasn't helped, change it straight away. If you find the symptoms are easing but coming back earlier than 15 minutes, you can give it more frequently.
Remember, if at any time you feel out of your depth or confused, ask for help.
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