Homeopathic Remedies for After Surgery and Operations
Although homeopathic remedies are harmless to take before surgery (unless they are seriously misused) taking them afterwards will work just as well.
Homeopathic remedies after surgery will not only help you heal faster, but help with shock and trauma of having the surgery done too.
Here are your most common and helpful remedies for after-surgery to help you heal quickly and thoroughly.
Arnica and Hypericum - for healing of soft tissue, blood vessels, bone and nerves. If you have nothing else, these two will do you right.
Bellis Perrenis - for invasive surgery. This remedy is made from the daisy which is in the same family as Arnica. It is a specific for uterine surgery, but any deep surgery this is the one you want.
Nux Vomica - to help the liver process medications and the digestive system recover.
Aconite - if you’re a bit in shock after the surgery, pale and fearful, or if you thought you might die, then a dose of Aconite is a great way to free your body from the frozen shock state you may be in.
Opium - after general anaesthetic. Dopiness, constipation, even nightmares can be a result of the general, and opium is great to help bring balance back.
Ledum - if you’re still black and blue after a week, you might need some help from Ledum which is a specific for old bruising.
Staphysagria - for the mental/emotional effects of surgery. If you’ve felt poked and prodded and have a feeling of vulnerability afterwards, a dose or two of Staphysagria may be what you need to help you recover.