Remedies to Support Burn Out, Tired Mummy Syndrome and Generally-Worn-Out-By-Life


It’s tough in the world these days.

There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in every day, and the expectations on us humans just seem to grow all the time.

I’m going to talk about Mums specifically here, but life is challenging for all of us so this is by no means exclusive.

Being a Mum of two myself, and with very little support, I know how exhausting and draining it all can get.

I see posts all the time on ‘self care’ and ‘putting yourself first’ but the truth is we live in a world that expects our mums to work like they don't have kids, to ‘Mum’ like they don’t work, and to be solely responsible for the household, the children (and all their behaviour out in the world), and everything else in between.

It is crazy. What we need to really do is to stop listening to the world and focus on what is best for ourselves. That can be done, it just involves a lot of in-depth looking at ourselves, our habits and the real reasons we are people pleasers and care what the world thinks at all.

But this can just seem like more work! Sometimes we just need something to help boost us. So, I have compiled some Remedy Cheats to help for when I’m exhausted and broken by life:


I love this remedy. It is made from Bamboo which is a strong substance used for propping and building and all sorts of structural support. Support, or lack thereof is a big indication of this remedy, and I know I need it when I hear myself talk about lack of support and how exhausted I am by that. This remedy has a keynote of being stressed by one’s kids! As you can imagine, having a lack of support when dealing with ones kids and being stressed by them are good indications for this remedy.

Calming Support Pills

A nice general remedy for anxiety and fear and worry. It’s a bit like rescue remedy and does what the label says - helps calm you.

Adrenal Support

When I’m stressed my little adrenals are flat tack pumping out hormones. This remedy I find super helpful to keep my little guys in balance and to prop them back up.

Anaemia support

Too many of us are low in iron. Sometimes, it’s a case of not absorbing iron well. Sometimes, it’s because we forget to supplement or keep an eye on our levels. Anaemia Support has helped me rebalance my iron and absorb it far more successfully

Divine Protection

This is an interesting Narayani remedy, but I find it lovely when I’m feeling a bit persecuted, like the world is out to get me, like I need help from something bigger than myself.


Weariness and tiredness from trying to control everything around oneself for a long time. This remedy seems to be doing ok with massive stress, but the fact is that they are not, and they are exhausted by it all. There may be dull headaches, there may be funny tummies. It’s long term anxiety in a far more subtle way, and helps so much with the damage that this kind of stress can cause on the system.

Muriatic Acid

Literally exhausted mummy. The Acids as remedies are all absolutely laid out with exhaustion which is why remedies like Phosphoric Acid are so good at the end of the flu or big illnesses. This remedy has a keynote of being exhausted by taking care of the home and children. They get so exhausted they become irritable (another Acid sign). They are naturally nurturing and want to be the perfect parent, but overdo it and burn out. Deep down, they feel like if they don’t care for everyone and do it all that they will be deemed worthless, and will end up all alone.

Calc Carb

Calcium is very important for our adrenals and acts like a shock absorber. It also helps keep us calm. As a remedy, calcium (Calc Carb) tends to become more introverted and fearful whenever they are struggling. They’ll stop going out, they’ll want to hide. They may want to move forward but can’t seem to get themselves out of their shell. This is a lovely remedy for support not only physically but mentally when the stress of the world has driven someone to retreat into their safe place and comfort zone.

Back Up Support

I've just had a lovely experience myself with Back Up, after being run down for quite some time. This has simply been through having to live in survival mode (as we do from time to time). Back up is another Narayani combination which includes Anaemia Support and Adrenal Support amongst others. It is a great physical booster for Tired Mummy Syndrome.

These remedies are just some of my favourites. Of course, there are many more remedies for burnout and exhaustion and stress management. If you’re struggling, you can get in touch with a homeopath to get a remedy matched specifically to you and your situation. If you want more options for a Homeopath, you can find a great Homeopath at


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