5 Top Remedies for Colds and Flus
Here are a few remedies you should have on hand if you don’t already!
Oscillococcinum (aka Anas Barb)
This is a particular favourite of mine in winter. Great for early-stage flu symptoms like body aches, chills, and fatigue. Take it at the first sign of a cold, or as a cold/flu general support with a more specific remedy. You can also take it prophylactically which means one or two doses a month in winter to help support your immune system.
Another for first stages of flu, cold, virus and croupy barking coughs. Think of this remedy especially after getting really cold, from a surprisingly cold day or a cold wind. This one is great for helping ward off illness, but a common cold remedy all-round. Usually pale with fevers, there is dryness, and possibly they are anxious or fearful with their illness.
Red, Hot, Throbbing. If your child comes home from school and then comes down with a sudden fever or illness, you can think of this remedy. Sudden onset symptoms like high fever, red throat, and throbbing headaches. Lovely bright red cheeks or throbbing heat with fevers.
A wonderful remedy for colds and flus! Headaches that are bursting, and they feel worse for any movement at all. They want to be left alone and definitely not touched! Things are dry and very painful. They are like a ‘bear with a sore head’.
Love this one for milder colds and flus. Ideal for colds with symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and a sensation of heaviness. You’ll likely crave tea or coffee and hit the wall mid-morning. Lots of weak and trembly feelings. It’s particularly useful if your cold leaves you feeling completely drained.
As always, there are many remedies for colds and flus, and these are just some of the most commonly used ones. If you want to listen to Kate and I chat about Colds, you can have a look at our video on YouTube.
Cold and flu remedies and homeopathy.