Sol: My Favourite Summer Remedy and Why I Can’t Live Without It

I am a woman of pale substance.

Before discovering this simple remedy, I suffered from at least one very bad sunburn every summer. This was despite sticking to the shade, wearing sunscreen and staying indoors during the sunniest part of the day. I just burnt up like a tissue after only minutes in the harsh New Zealand sun.

The problem is, I love the beach and outdoors. I love camping and I love the sun. It was always a little heart-breaking to be unable to fully enjoy the good weather. I have two outdoorsy boys too. Their little faces would fall when I had to stop playing or swimming or building sandcastles to retreat to shade so I didn’t frizzle into dust.

So, when I learnt about Sol during my homeopathic studies and that Sol could support the body’s own natural defences in the sun, I decided there was just one thing to do. To conduct an experiment on a human volunteer (myself) and see what happened. You can read all about the details of my experiment below. But first let me gush a little more about this remedy that has changed my life.

Sol is my number one Summer Buddy. I take it before I go in the sun, while I’m in the sun, and after the sun. I give it to my kids in the morning before school. I dish it out at the beach to anyone who will take it. I carry it everywhere with me while the weather is warm.

Over the years of using Sol, I have noticed some other benefits. My ability to cope with the Sun has improved vastly. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I only used Sol and a natural home-made sunscreen. My friends commented that it was the brownest they had ever seen me.

A couple of years ago, my mother and I took the kids to the beach. The boys and I had taken Sol but my mother had not. We all used hats and sunscreen. Later, her back was very burnt yet the boys and I had only gained some bronzed colour to our skin. Further evidence that Sol provided us with protection not only where we had applied sunscreen, but any area of skin exposed to the sun.

These days, my Slip Slop Slap routine is ‘slip some sol’ ‘Slop some natural sunscreen’ and ‘Slap on a hat and shirt’. I’m not going to take risks with that sun, but I am no longer constantly under cover with FOMO. I have literally been given the gift of light.

My Experiment

On a blazing hot summer day I positioned myself on my friend’s deck. This deck had long been my nemesis due to its scorching north-facing presentation. It had the power to turn me into a lobster within 5 minutes. My non-burnable friends would enjoy the weather in all it’s glory while I would have to sit in the doorway and pine for the outdoors.

So, I sat on the unforgiving deck with my good friend, taking only my Sol as protection. After an hour of happy nattering, I returned home. As the evening progressed, my skin turned a lovely beetroot shade of red as predicted, however this time it was noticeably different. The burn had almost no heat, and was not painful at all. In fact, it looked like a week-old sunburn rather than one that had occurred that day.

  • To see if Sol would provide some protection from the Sun.

  • Take a dose of Sol 30C and sit in the sun for an hour. Cross fingers….

  • A deep-red sunburn which appeared to be at least a week old, had no pain and which had faded almost entirely by morning. No peeling occurred.

  • Sol helps the body protect itself against sunburn and sunstroke.

Sol is one of my favourite remedies and a remedy I wouldn’t live without. In the harsh summer environment of NZ and particularly Northland, I would be so bold as to say it would be foolish of me to not give this remedy to my family and myself when the sun is at it’s peak.

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