How Hypericum Can Help Skaters and Dancers

Here's what it can help with:

  • Toes - ballerinas who dance pointe will help their hard-working tootsies with this remedy.

  • Falls to the butt - skaters, snowboarders, BMXers are all high risk for damaging the little bones in the bottom of the spine (called the coccyx). The spine is full of nerves, especially this point.

  • Fingers - door slams and squished digits from falls

  • Mouth injuries - split lips and knocked out teeth

  • Healing of scrapes and cuts

from $8.50

Hypericum is wonderful for all kinds of sports.

You may know all about Arnica now (and if you don't, read about it in the blog here). But this remedy is really helpful alongside Arnical, especially to people like skaters, snowboarders, BMXers and Ballerinas.

Usually three things happen when we hurt ourselves - we damage body tissue, we have a shock, and we damage our nerves. Nerves are what tell us there is pain, and they can also make lots of noise when they are healing.


Hypericum is knowns as The 'Arnica of the Nerves'. That means it helps nerves in your body to repair and heal.

We often think of nerves as hysterical Jane Austen women ("Oh My Nerves!") or neuralgic pains but we forget that our whole body has nerve endings to tell us when something isn't quite right.

Hypericum helps soothe the itch or pain from healing nerve ends (which makes it a great remedy to have on hand for itchy bites too!).

This remedy is usually used in 'Intensity 1' scenarios. Read more here.

Just remember to keep your little buddy out of the way of light. Hypericum comes in our Post Workout Recovery Kit which also has Arnica, and is a great option for all physical activities.


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